Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hah, one day missed but two pics to make up for it!!

I knew I'd miss a day or two with this entire thing but I will make up for it! When I miss a day, or two, I will post as many pics as needed to make up for it. So here's the first one:

I really enjoy this picture for the texture to it, like you could reach out and touch the cool sand. Also because the shadows are so detailed. And here is the second:

This is what I stayed up all night, got eaten alive by bugs and was checked out by several creepy runner guys for. But I gotta was worth it.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I've noticed something...

...I do mostly landscapes, flowers, fauna and in general, stuff that doesn't do a lot of moving. I am more comfortable with taking shots of things that don't move, it lets me move at my own pace while trying to compose a picture.

So! Another goal for this summer: Become more comfortable with taking pictures of moving objects. Since, let's face it, life doesn't always let you move at your own pace.

Today's picture brought to you by the Green in the center of town:

Monday, June 6, 2011

Eisenhower Park

Day two and still going strong with the project!

At this time I'd like to tell of a lovely place to take pictures in my town: Eisenhower Park....well more or less just give the name. I'm way to tired to actually describe it today, but today's photo is from there.

Summer Project

Well I've decided what this blog is going to be about, atleast for the summer. Each day I will post a picture that I've taken either that day, or in a day or two of that date.

And I know I'm going to fall behind on this since I'm just terrible with keeping up with anything on a regular basis, but I'm going to try my best!

So here's the 5th's picture, yes I know it's the 6th but oh well:

It's from the window box on my Grandmother's shed. That's all for now!